It happens just about every 4th of July weekend, almost like clockwork. I watch a stage of the Tour de France in the morning and then hit the road, all full of inspiration.
Sun out.
Warm temp.
No work.
Open schedule and plenty of sleep.
I hit up three laps of the lake loop today as part of the ride. When I take the little path around the pond to turn around, I always think of the prairie plants surrounding me as the fans lining the streets of the Tour's route that day. And today, the fans in Denmark were out in droves!
I rode past one of those electronic road signs on the route today. You know, the ones that tell you, "YOUR SPEED"...only the thing was all over the map today.
First, I got cheated.
It said I was going 17 mph but when I looked down at my computer, I was going 17.4.
Next time by the sign it said I was going 26 mph, when in actuality I was only going 16.2. Can't trust those things, I guess.
I always feel good on rides after watching the Tour de France.
Inspirational indeed. Those guys are amazing.
2022 Riding Season
The Ride: Conservancy Park, 3 laps/Neighborhood Crit 2 laps
Miles: 25
Average Speed: 13.6
Weather: Sunny, 76, Wind 5-10 mph
Total Outdoor Miles: 376