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The "Shea"

Before I forget, first things first.

CLICK HERE to see the video I rode along to today.

Reader and fellow rider Jeff Shea sent me a link to an online 45-minute ride/workout video. Because it is a 45-minutes timed ride, same as my Carmichael workout, I was eager to try it out. I did NOT look at it first. I set up a laptop in front of me, geared up, started the video and got on the bike to follow along.

Here are my observations....

--It's a workout that is based on effort only. There is no guidance on rpm or gearing. It's a basic 3-6 effort level. How you get there is up to you. I used my Carmichael easy-medium-hard segment gearing to guide me on my effort level on this one.

--There is very little recovery time most of the time. It says recovery, and then in many cases after about 10-15 seconds it tells you to gear up and get ready to go harder. Then it counts down to kicking in higher effort again. Those higher efforts come around fast.

--I tried matching pedal stroke (rpm) to the guy you ride behind in many cases on the video. It's really a lot higher than I am used to. These guys really have a high spin number.

--Funny, I found myself signaling to the riders behind me just as I saw them doing out on the road.

--Speaking of roads, I am not sure where this was shot, but man, you talk about flat terrain. Not a lump in the road for the entire thing.

--And here's the thing I was most interested, miles. How would THIS 45 minutes compare to the Carmichael workout? Close. Very close. 11 miles today, just 3/10ths of a mile more than a hard Carmichael.

Yet this ride seemed tougher on me. I was pooped at the end, which has a much shorter warm-down than the Carmichael as well. There is a top-level effort sprint toward the end. I was huffin' and puffin' after that one!

--The music they play during the workout is bad. Really bad. Just not my thing. If I try it again, I'll just keep the sound muted and have my own music going. All you really need is the video to follow along with anyway.

Interesting way to mix things up for sure. It certainly inspired me to ride harder today, a day that could have been a rest day. Thanks Jeff! "The Shea" is born.


RIDE ROUTE-- Neighborhood Crit, 6 laps

MILES-- 10.7

AVE. SPEED-- 14.1

WEATHER-- Partly Sunny, 36, Wind 0-5




WORKOUT-- 'The Shea'

MILES-- 11



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