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Sweat, Spit, Snot

While riding my rpm Carmichael today, about 1/4 of the way through I noticed something falling from my head area in general, just missing the top tube and landing on top of my water bottle, very near the part that I drink from.

This could have been sweat.

This could have been snot.

This could have been spit.

Who knows?

But the point is, no matter which one it was, it had no place being near where my mouth was going to be on that water bottle! Gross.

Then I remembered that I have an indoor trainer bike bra stashed in a drawer somewhere in my cycling room. (Would this be a training bra???) Time to strap that thing on my bike. It's a small piece of terry cloth-like material that stretches from the handlebars to your seat post. Thus, it catches any and all forms of moisture dripping from your head. If I remember, I will snap a picture and post it here in the near future.

As for the ride, it was average today. Using the rpm rather than mph as an effort guide, I DO feel like it's more work to keep up the rmp's than the mph. I need to eat less. Despite the steady diet of bike workouts, this week was not good to me on a scale. In fact, I'm going to try again later today. After all, I DID eat my lunch pre-ride today, and that full bottle of water in me has to weigh something too!


RIDE ROUTE-- Neighborhood Crit, 6 laps

MILES-- 10.7

AVE. SPEED-- 14.1

WEATHER-- Partly Sunny, 36, Wind 0-5




WORKOUT-- RPM Carmichael

MILES-- 10.6




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