Sunday Best
The saying, "Your Sunday Best" used to mean how people put on their best clothes to go to church on a Sunday. Well, in my case today, I pulled on MY Sunday best 'kit', an ensemble I purchased years ago while visiting Paris. I found a family bike shop and made sure to make a great purchase that would always remind me of my trip. I was hoping for a little inspiration wearing my Paris riding jacket today. At 55 and partly cloudy I wondered if I would be too warm. I wasn't. It was just right.
Sunday morning I had scoped out a map to check on a road that runs along Highway 10 West. I jotted down some notes and despite feeling a bit 'off' physically, pushed myself out the door knowing cold and rain is heading in for the next three days. This would be my last chance to ride outside for a while.
I made an early mistake on the route, but corrected it later and things went rather well. I now know how to get to the place I want to be, which joins this mystery road where there is a barn that has the side of it panted with a Packers' logo and it says, #12 is #1. On a warmer, sunny day I will attempt to make it all the way there.
But for today, this worked out well as a 30-mile route with a bit of chilly wind at times out in the countryside.

I had to pull over at one point to snap this photo of the bike and that sign. Speaking of tractors, I passed one today! It looked like an antique International Harvester, a small red one that had plenty of years on it puttered down the road.
This was a classic springtime ride. The grass is getting green. The buds are coming out on the trees. Spring flowers are in bloom. There is a slight nip in the air.
The promise of the new season and an entire summer of riding adventures are all ahead of me now, and that's a great feeling.
I felt good today. I felt like I even had more than the 30 in my legs today. I took it easy due to quite a bit of medium headwind. Also on this route, there are some sections of rolling hills that get your attention in a hurry.
And last but not least, you ride through Larsen, Wisconsin. So I've got that going for me now.
2021 OUTDOOR RIDE ROUTE-- Grandview Loop MILES-- 30 AVE. SPEED-- 13.7 WEATHER-- Partly Sunny and cool, 55, Wind 5-10 TOTAL OUTDOOR MILES-- 323.0 .....................