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Lake Effect

I am still amazed at how cold low 50's and sunshine can feel in March here.

Two words that are not helping things either....

It feels so nice and warm on this first day of spring as I stand in my driveway. Seems like there is hardly any wind either. But boy, when you get out on the road there IS wind, and it is COLD. I ride along the shore of Lake Winnebago on the Lake Loop and my neighborhood crit course, so there is no escaping it.

Lake effect.

Well, there is an escape, but I will have to head out to the west on country roads that are pretty sloppy yet with the debris of winter. I always like to wait to head out there until a couple of good springtime rains have washed away all that road crap. Otherwise I feel like I am inviting a flat in the middle of nowhere.

As I finished the first Lake Loop lap and started turning the crit course I said to myself out loud at one point as I rode into the cold wind, "Nope. No sir. This is not fun. I'm too cold. I'm quitting after this lap."

Will I ever feel warm again?

Yet I am conflicted about this. For as much as I complain about the chill in the air, I realize that I am lucky to be able to be riding outside at all at this time of year, because even a little cold ride on the road is better than a trainer session indoors!


RIDE ROUTE-- Lake Loop, 1 lap + Neighborhood Crit, 1 lap

MILES-- 12.0

AVE. SPEED-- 13.5

WEATHER-- Sunny, 51, Wind 5-10 mph




WORKOUT-- mph Carmichael

MILES-- 10.5



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