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Another Shit Show

Step right up....grab a ticket to another shit show.

Oh boy, was that bad.

I waited as long as I could for it to warm up outside, leaving a little before 2:00 p.m. in the hopes of catching some sunshine and exercise.

This time I wouldn't be fooled by 53-54 degrees either. There was plenty of wind, so I piled on the layers of clothing....

-Base layer


-Arm warmers

-Winter riding jacket

-Wind jacket

-Full-length bibs

-Full finger gloves

-Full balaclava under helmet

I did a lap of my crit course, then headed out into the wind for a Lake Loop lap. All the way out I was riding into a 20-25 mph headwind. Now, doing that at any point in a ride is tough enough, but doing it right out of the box at the start of a ride before you are even warmed up is killer. Maybe it just set a bad tone for the entire experience.

I got back to my neighborhood and as I turned toward the lake the icy wind hit me in the face again and I was done. Just done with the whole thing. My legs never woke up. I felt like I had 2x4's instead of legs down there. I pulled off the course, disappointed in myself again.

And these new shoes still have me worried. My left foot begins to feel sore at the ball of the bottom of my foot at about 10 miles in. Then my toes feel like they are going a little numb. It's just not right. I suspect that is a sign of the shoe being too tight, but I have it adjusted as loose as the straps will go across the top of my foot.

Wearing thinner socks in riding season may help this. Maybe the show will stretch in a little too?

Bottom line--

When you find a great pair of shoes and break them in, try to keep them at all costs! It's too bad I couldn't keep my old ones from Specialized.

This is the curse of living across the street from Lake Winnebago I guess. This time of year I just can not warm up, and I lose my will to ride quickly. Between that and the left foot shoe fit, yeah, shit show again today.

2021 OUTDOOR RIDE ROUTE-- Lake Loop 1 lap + Neighborhood Crit, 2 laps MILES-- 12 AVE. SPEED-- 12.8 WEATHER-- Windy, 20-25 mph, 53, sunny TOTAL OUTDOOR MILES-- 183.0 ..................... 2021 INDOOR WORKOUT-- mph Carmichael MILES-- 10.5 TOTAL INDOOR MILES-- 271.5


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