Chubby Seagull
And I felt it today.
93 degrees and sunny. Out on the open country roads leading into High Cliff State Park, there is no shade from trees. It is only you and the sun beating down on you from above, and the heat from the asphalt reflecting up into your face.
And yes, I like the hot conditions, but you have to remember that it saps your energy faster than usual on days like this.
Plus I didn't have a lot of juice to begin with today. I have not been sleeping well due to our seriously-ill dog. So when I tackled the High Cliff climb today, I knew I was in trouble when just on the way out there I felt a real lack of energy whatsoever.
At the base of the climb things started rather normally.
As I slowly went up I began to struggle more and more.
By the time I got to the that final little super steep section I could hardly keep moving.
I glanced down to look at my computer at one point and that showed I was going a whopping FOUR mph at 45 RPM. This was the most trouble I have had climbing this beast in some time. At the top when I finally got to flat ground I was so gassed all I could do was coast for a bit until the next hill called. Agggghhh.
I took the picture at the top where I always take a break to take in the water view and have a granola bar break.
The ride home seemed to take forever. There was nothing in the tank at this point. The goal was simply to finish.
And finish I did.
After getting some fluids in me and a shower on me, I turned around and DROVE the same route with my wife in the car.
You see, just before you get into the park there is a tiny ice cream place with a great name; "The Chubby Seagull". I wanted to go back to not only get a well-deserved cone, but also show my wife what I am talking about when I say I am going on my High Cliff Route.
As we drove it she did say, "Wow, this is quite a hill. Now I know what you're talking about."
Mission Accomplished.
Cone (orange and vanilla swirl) eaten.
Next up, more heat and even more humid weather is coming. If I know me, and I think I do, all I want to do is take the same route again very soon, just to try to do a more respectable job up that know, get the sour taste in my mouth out with a better effort.
I hope!
High Cliff Climb
29.0 miles/Average Speed= 12.7 mph
Sunny and hot, 93!
Wind 5-8 mph
Indoor: 125.6
Outdoor: 896