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"Uncle Pauley" Ride

Perhaps it was just what the doctor ordered to, at least for a brief time, take my mind off the numbing worrying about our very ill 13-year-old dog at home.

Today I did something rare for me on my bike; I rode with someone else. I'm mostly a solo rider kind of guy.

He's known around these parts as Uncle Pauley, and Paul is a crafty old racer from the good old days. He's got several ultra-cool old bikes in tip-top shape as well.

Like this vintage beauty that he took out for a spin with me today.

Circa early 70's...and PRETTY!

She's a beauty. And quiet! Smooth as silk out there on the road today with me on this 32-mile ride in the wonderfully-hot sunshine.

Paul took me onto some roads I had never been on before, still in the basic area of where I usually ride, but these were new and some glorious to me. Mature trees. A corn field with corn that is chest high already as far as the eye could see.

The smell of Wisconsin farms was in the air from time to time. The shades of green were Ireland-like in places. The heat reflecting off the pavement and into your face.

This, yes THIS is summer riding at it's best to me.

True, I was talking while riding which usually never happens unless I am talking to myself! Different experience for sure. I'll have to try to retrace some of that route to take in those wonderful country roads for the rest of this summer.

Paul had his camera out as well.

A few pictures below.


"Uncle Pauley's" route

32.0 miles/Average Speed= 12.7 mph


Wind 5-8 mph


Indoor: 125.6

Outdoor: 867


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