A Little "Tired"
Ahhh, not what you think.
Yes, I was a little tired at one point today.
Here. Look at the picture I took.
See what I did there?
Well, despite nice hot weather for three days in a row this was the first time I could take the time to get out on a ride to soak it all up.
We have been dealing with a very sick little dog, and today for the first time since Sunday I felt things were stable enough for me to take my mind off it all and get out there on the road.
Sunny and 85. Perfect. But again, a steady 10+ headwind coming back home made me change plans a bit.
I had a grand idea to not only ride all the way out into the countryside, but then on the way back thought perhaps of going to High Cliff as well, thereby making this a major effort, long ride.
Coming in from the tiny water tower here, I faced headwind that started to suck some life out of my legs.
Before I got to the turn when I would have to make a decision about adding High Cliff, my left quad gave out a chirp, feeling like it was about to cramp up. That's never a good thing and can make the remainder of any ride a pain.
So I decided that, plus the headwind, would make extending this ride a big mistake.
I was right.
Afterward at home as I bent down to take off my shoes it almost knotted up on me. Not sure why that happened on the ride today because I wasn't pushing it at all. The rest of me had more than 30 miles in me but not that left quad muscle that runs down the inside of your thigh. It was on the brink of a major knot.
This is a very nice route however. No matter how long you choose to make it, the ride starts out going from the city, to the suburbs, to the subdivisions, to farmland. And it all happens within the first six miles of the ride.
Beautiful weather. Beautiful and quiet countryside riding solo today.
I saw cows.
I saw horses.
I saw jackasses, and I'm not talking about politicians.
I saw a tiny water tower.
I saw a giant tire mountain.
I DIDN'T see many vehicles once out in the land of silos.
Despite the little verge of a cramp issue, this one was a keeper.
Now it's on to my favorite hot summer day dinner after a ride.
A major bowl of shrimp salad and lemonade in the three-season room next to a fan this evening.
Simple pleasures.
Dundas Loop
30 miles/12.4 average mph
Sunny and hot, 85, Wind 10 mph
Indoor: 125.6
Outdoor: 720.5