Enough Already
I never expected to be on a bike today. It wasn't in the plan. I spent much of the morning trying and failing to unscrew a couple of garden hoses from each other. It's as if they were welded together!
Lunch break.
Huh, there's still a little sunshine out. The rain in the forecast might be a little delayed.
Huh, it's kinda warm out there when you're not in the wind.
Huh, maybe I should jump on board and do a few laps?
Yup, let's do this!
Well, after a couple of laps it was clear that the wind was going to be a pain again. And wouldn't you know it, the one hill in the lap and BOOM, it's headwind of 15 mph+ in the face, sucking any life I had in my legs out immediately.
And did I mention going into the that wind 56 degrees doesn't feel so good when the sun disappears behind clouds, which it did by the third lap.
I was cold. I was frustrated with another ride being torn up by cold wind.
And then I remembered the words of advice earlier this season that came from my mentor here, Jerry Pearce who told me, "It shouldn't be a chore."
It was.
I pulled off after five laps because of that fact. It had become a chore, a chore I didn't want to complete.
Too cold once again. I should move like Jerry did, to Florida where I wouldn't have this issue.
There will be better days/better rides down the road.
Neighborhood Crit, 5 laps
9.2 miles/13.7 average mph
Sun to clouds, 57, Wind 215-20 mph
Indoor: 125.6
Outdoor: 294.4