St. Pat's Ride
Sunshine yes, but...
40 degrees
34 wind chill
Today I forced myself out on a ride for one reason and one reason only;
To be able to say I wore my Ireland jersey that I bought in Ireland on a St. Patrick's Day ride.
The year was 2011 and we took a group of PhilCast show listeners on a trip to Ireland for a week.
Late in the trip we found a bike shop and lo and behold I came home with an Ireland jersey that I bought in Ireland.
In the years that have passed I have tried to wear this jersey on a St. Patrick's Day ride if possible.
Weather being what it is in Wisconsin in March that is easier said than done. At least it was sunny and dry today, so like I said I forced myself out to do a ride.
Granted, it wasn't much of a ride.
It was cold with a biting wind that reminded me of the fact that there are snow showers in the forecast for the next couple of days.
Not that there haven't been some good St. Pat's rides on this day and in this jersey as well. In fact, I remember one year going out with a riding bud "Der Jan" and it was a warm St. Pat's that year. He too was wearing the same jersey since he was in that little bike shop in Ireland with me when we bought them.
But today was a struggle. My hip replacement was sore, my legs were tired and my mind just was not there. I told myself I would pull off on whatever lap it was that I hit at least 10 miles. That was lap number six.
And there is a funny story to share about that final lap.
I made a right turn while watching a loud and noisy dump truck coming out of a driveway behind me. I could now hear him behind me so knowing he would pass soon, I remained well to the right of the road, more so than I would normally position myself so as to avoid some of the winter gravel and mess along the gutter.
Wouldn't you know it. Even with the rumble of the approaching dump truck from behind, I suddenly heard that sickening hissing sound from under me. Oh know, I must have flatted in the dirty part of the road. The sound of air could be heard hissing as I slowed, looked down and tried to figure out if it was the front or back tire that popped.
I waited for the steering to go to mush, but it never happened. Meantime, the back seemed OK. What the????
I pulled over, came to a stop and saw it. A small leaf had jammed between my front brake pad and rim and was rubbing. You'd be amazed at how much that sounded exactly like the air coming out of a flatted tire!
A little drama. A lot of cold air.
But I can say I did it again this year.
I rode on St. Patrick's Day in my Ireland jersey bought in Ireland.
OUTSIDE; Neighborhood Crit, 6 laps
11 miles/12.9 average mph
Sun--40--Wind Chill 34
Indoor: 125.6
Outdoor: 126 (Hey, more outdoor miles than indoor now!)