TV Carmichael
Yes, I did a Carmichael workout today. There is nothing new about that. However, there WAS something new about this ride.
Before I ever got on the bike, I set up an old TV and one of those new-fangled antennas that look like a flat mouse pad just to see what channels I could pull in for free.
It grabbed a few of the networks and several channels I had never heard of before. Point is, for the first time I had a TV in front of my bike to watch while riding.
I ended up on something called the LAFF channel, where they were playing an old Home Improvement episode from the 90's.
Still funny.
Time on the bike seemed to pass a little quicker, but I found it was also distracting to be watching TV. I didn't pay as much attention to what I was doing, and a couple of times I missed my timing marks during the workout.
Jury is still out on whether this is for me or not.
Maybe at times I will pop the TV on just to make the time pass more quickly.
Other than that I felt OK on the bike today, just tired afterward. Lots of weekend food calories to burn off yet!
Trainer, Carmchael
10.2 miles/13.4 average mph
Indoor: 95.1
Outdoor: 31.5