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"Jacked" Carmichael

Okay, you say you've done a few of my Carmichael workouts and you are coming into indoor trainer form and looking to take it up a notch. I've got just the thing.

I give you my"Jacked Carmichael".

Take one 45-minute workout and jack it up a notch.

Here's how.

When you think about the Carmichael the meat of the workout is two sets of three intervals, mixing medium effort and hardest effort with a six-minute easy spin recovery in-between the sets.

Do your Carmichael as usual up until the final of the three hard one-minute pedal sections. In other words, on the clock, I am talking about 25 to 26 minute mark going hardest before the break. In this section, do the first :30 as usual, but shift up to yet another next tougher gear for the final :30 that take you up to the 26-minute mark.

Now, here's the key.

When you shift down one gear you will actually be in what was your MEDIUM effort gear in the first half the workout. So now, you are taking your 6-minute (to the 26 minute mark) recovery spin in medium gear rather than the easiest one you started in..

Your medium effort/gear has now become your easiest gear.

This means that when you start the second set of intervals what used to be your hardest gear is now medium gear and that new toughest gear of all represents the hard pulls in this second set. You've notched it all up a gear. More work.

When you finish the interval section at the 35-minunte mark, then go back down all the way to your starting easiest gear for the cool down 10 minutes.

And there it is. A JACKED Carmichael.

It makes a difference too. I can see higher speed average and a little more mileage than a regular Carmichael.

Give it a try, but only when you feel good in that first half and decide to push yourself a little bit.


Trainer; Jacked Carmichael

10.0 miles/14.2 average mph


Indoor: 64.8

Outdoor: 11

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