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Change in Plans

2019 Outdoor Season: Ride #50

The Route: Failed High Cliff Climb

The Miles: 25.0

The Time: 1:55

The Ave. Speed: 13.0 mph

The Weather:

Sunny, Windy, WARM (for October)

Temp: 71

Wind, 15-20 mph

Season Total Miles: 1,089

THIS is what changed all my big plans today. Suddenly and without warning the road leading into High Cliff State Park disappeared.


Nothing but gravel and some road construction equipment working there. But I'm getting ahead of myself. First off, the weather should be noted. With a cold front bearing down on us, today was extra glorious knowing that high temps in the low 40's with blowing rain all weekend was on the horizon.

Sunshine and wind today.

As I rode out toward the park I had some stretches where a 15 mph wind was right in my face. I took it slow, trying to save my legs for the climb that was ahead, the climb that never came.

I had packed my cyclist lunch of a banana, apple granola bar and a gel, planning to make the climb then take in the view from up on top at the ranger's station while fueling up before heading back.

But as you see from the picture, I could never get to the park. Once again, not unlike earlier this summer when another road earlier in the ride was ripped up for months, I am denied access to High Cliff. Oh I could get there on an alternate route, but it involves a road that is too busy and dangerous for my liking.

So I turned around and enjoyed some tailwind, then crosswind on the way back. I also started hearing a little squeak from my bike, sounding almost like a little bird chirp. I'm not sure what it is, having never heard this noise from my bike before. It seems like it is coming from the front of the bike. But perhaps it's bottom bracket noise....seems to only happen when peddling, not free-wheeling.

It has that sound of something that is dry and in need of lubrication perhaps. I'll have to try to hit a few areas with a lubricant to see if that corrects the minor squeak.

I guess we have Thursday being a pretty good weather day yet, one more chance to get a ride in while wearing shorts and short sleeves before the first pinch from Old Man Winter comes calling by Friday.

I DID hear the word 'flurries' used by forecasters!

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