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Oh yes I did...

2019 Outdoor Season: Ride #12

The Route: High Cliff Climb

The Miles: 30.0

The Time: 2:18

The Ave. Speed: 13.0 mph

The Weather: Sun, 63, wind 8-10 mph

Season Total Miles: 247.0


The Story

They say that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

I felt like the kill version was going to happen today as I was climbing the High Cliff State Park hill for the first time in 2019.

This is no run of the mill hill. This is the real deal.

You see to be honest I had no business even attempting it today. Oh the thought had crossed my mind as I waited for the day to heat up before leaving. And even as I headed out into a cool headwind (thank GOD I chose to wear arm warmers today despite the sun) I was making excuses as to why it would be foolish to even attempt to climb the beast today. Why not? Well let's see. Maybe the fact that I haven't been on a bike in a while? Maybe the fact that I don't have all that many miles in my legs yet this season? get the idea.

As I neared the park out there on a windy country road I heard voices behind me at one point. The animated conversation was getting louder. Two lady roadies cruised past on my left, not a care in the world. I could see as they entered the park about two blocks up from me that they were going to make the climb up to the ranger tower. "Hey, if they can do it," I told myself.

I'd give it a try. As long as I was this close, why not see what happens? If I crack, just stop and turn around and go back down the hill filled with shame!

Oh did I suffer.

Most of the climb was tough but not horrible. But that last stretch, the kick up to a super steep gradient was a suffer-fest. Adding to my woes, I had a slight twitch behind my right knee on the ride out, so that leg was not to be trusted for doing much work out of the saddle. So I remained in the saddle for 95% of the climb, my legs burning and my lungs heaving like some ancient air conditioning unit grasping for air. It was ugly. One pedal in front of the other. Keep the wheels moving. Five miles per hour. Lordy.

But I made it! And when I got to the top they were setting up for a wedding.

Nice day for a white wedding.

The fact that I had a package of Bloks energy bites really helped. I do think those things help. In fact, I felt pretty good on the ride home. Tailwind for the first section back, and cross-to-headwind on the last stretch home.

Not bad at all....and dang proud I made the climb this early in the season.

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