10's (in more ways than one)
Ride: 10's +
Miles: 10.0
Time: 39:00
Ave Speed: 15.4 mph
Weather: n/a
2019 Indoor Miles: 240.2
2019 Season Outdoor Miles: 0
The Story
The "Plus" portion of today's 10's workout was based on the fact that I added some time in the saddle because I was listening to today's PhilCast show while riding.
Click here to do the same....it helps pass the time on the trainer.
Then, once the audio ended after about 32 minutes, I flipped my computer over to the 'distance' display and decided to just keep riding until I hit an even 10 miles.
Funny how slowly that computer turns over numbers when you are watching and waiting to hit a certain distance before calling it quits!