Ride: Carmichael
Miles: 11.8
Time: 45 min.
Ave Speed: 15.7 mph
Weather: n/a
2019 Indoor Miles: 167.4
2019 Season Outdoor Miles: 0
The Story
I failed to make a deposit to the workout bank on Thursday, while still taking a big pasta withdrawal that night.
Now, let me explain....
Knowing I was going to whip up some pasta with red sauce and Italian sausages (and knowing I HAVE to eat more than one helping of that stuff) my plan was to EARN it by doing a full Carmichael workout beforehand on Thursday afternoon.
It never happened.
The meal happened, but not the ride.
I was dealing with a nagging stiff back and very cold conditions where the bike is set I opted for rest instead of ride.
So today, Friday, I had to go back to the workout bank and make that ride deposit to burn off some of that pasta from last night.
Good solid Carmichael today.
I plan on getting at least two of them in this week, considering there are some Super Bowl Sunday wings in my future!