Ride: 10's+
Miles: 7.7
Time: 30 min.
Ave Speed: 15.5 mph
Weather: n/a
2019 Indoor Miles: 125.9
2019 Season Outdoor Miles: 0
The Story
Let me explain the plus in 10's +....
Basic 10's ride, plus a gear a couple times.
So start in an easy gear and do 10 minutes as a warm up. Then, do the usual shift up to the next hardest gear for the middle 10 minutes.
However, I like to split up that 10 by shifting to yet a harder gear at 15 minutes in and take that to the 17 for two minutes before returning to your middle gear. It just sorts of breaks up that middle 10, and the 15 to 17 minute mark in that hardest gear should be the high water mark for effort in this ride.
Then at 20 in, it's back down to the starting gear for a cool down 10 minutes, which I also break up by grabbing a gear from 23 to 25.