Two Down

Ride: Musical Spin
Miles: 10.0
Time: 40 min.
Ave Speed: 15.7 mph
Weather: n/a
2018/19 Indoor Miles: 66.2
2019 Season Outdoor Miles: 0
Solid Saturday to music...
The Story
That's two down, one to go on my Weigh-In Wednesday promise to myself to ride at least three times during Week 2 of the 15 of this program that run on my radio show podcast.
Popped the old UFO "Lights Out" CD in and rode for the entire album, which always gets my blood flowing.
Cold up in the Manttic? Yep.
Tough to get changed and stretch? Yep.
Difficult to start out? Yep.
Worth it when you're done? You bet.
One more to go before Wednesday when we weigh in.