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Your Speed _____

You know those roadside speed indicator signs that police departments usually put this...

The Ride: Lake Laps, 2+1 Neighborhood Crit lap

Miles: 16.0

Time: 1:10

Ave. Speed: 13.7 mph

Weather: Partly sunny, 80, More wind than yesterday at 10-15 mph

2018 Season Outdoor Miles: 809.0

Those signs have a magical power when you're out riding a bike. Something in your brain just wants to make you go faster to increase the reading as you go by.

First lap I was just warming up and saw the sign at the curb said I was going 14 mph. I looked down and sure enough, my computer said I was riding 14 mph. Note to self, be faster than that on Lap 2 once I'm warmed up.

I was.

Lap two the sign displayed 16 mph.

And on the way back in on the second lap there was another display on that side of the road as well, one which said I was going 34 mph now. Okay, there was a tailwind at the time, but there was no way I was doing 34!

I quickly figured out it was displaying the speed of the vehicle in the other lane that was coming toward me in the other direction.

I like these shorter routes with laps because it keeps me close to home. Today was a perfect example of that. I started in nice warm sunshine, but by that second lap I could see a dark, threatening sky on the horizon, so I headed home. As I type this the rain has already started.

Perfect timing.

Oooo, now even thunder!

Close call but all is well, unless of course you count the fact that I had nothing out there today in my legs or anywhere else in my body.

Oh well, a few calories burned. A little more practice before attempting High Cliff and the climb on what is supposed to be a hot, humid, sunny Saturday afternoon.

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