Stagecoach (almost) Ride
The Ride: Allenville Loop
Miles: 30.0
Time: 2:12
Ave. Speed: 13.5 mph
Weather: WINDY! 15-25 mph, sunny, 79
2018 Season Outdoor Miles: 594.7
The Story
Unlike yesterday's somewhat mundane, story-less ride, today provided a good story from the road.
I'll have to bust myself on this one, since my sense of direction let me down once again. This despite the fact that I even checked out a map online prior to the ride. I really thought I had this one figured out.
I know, I know, this sure does not look like a stagecoach.
It's the best I could come up with.
Last season on a ride I had gotten somewhat lost on country roads and stopped to take a photo of a stagecoach displayed in a front yard. I wrote about how you don't see that every day in rural Wisconsin farm country!
Later I was contacted by a listener of my PhilCast show named Tammy who said that's HER property on that road. That's her stagecoach.
So today I set out to find the stagecoach, armed only with the name of the country road it is on.
Once I found the road I turned left.
I guess I should have turned right, because there was no stagecoach, only the cool rusty old truck you see in the picture that I rode past near the Allen's Allenville produce farm.
A very pretty ride while soaking up a lot of sun over 30 miles, but no stagecoach. I'll have to try again at some point this season.
Meantime, another solid ride feeling pretty good physically despite some pretty nasty wind at times.