A White Sadness
The Ride: Indoor Trainer, Hard Carmichael workout
Miles: 11.8
Time: :45
Ave. Speed: 15.7 mph
Weather: n/a
Total Outdoor Miles 2018: 57.3
Total 2018 Indoor Season Miles: 214.4
The Story
There is one thing you must understand about me and my cycling to really appreciate any effort I make at all this time of year.
My ideal weather conditions for a great bike ride would be sunny, light wind, a temperature of about 85-90 with no shortage of humidity in the air.
I love it hot.
I hate it cold.
It's pretty simple.
Now, considering the fact that I title this riding blog "Stories from the Road" one might connect the dots and figure out that at this time of year I am yearning to actually be on a road.
But alas, I ride indoors on a trainer with some sadness inside me knowing that 24 hours from now I will see almost a half foot of snow outside my window. Then I'll have to go clean it all up. Then I'll have to wait for it all to melt away once again before I get out there on my beloved road, seeing sights like this once again...
Meantime, as for today's workout, I did what I call a 'hard' Carmichael, which means starting the entire process in one gear stiffer than usual.
My legs felt it by the end of the ride, but at least that's a tired feeling from riding, whereas tomorrow my legs will be tired from shoving and blowing snow! YUK!